Critical Myth

Television has become the medium of today's modern mythology, delivering the exploits of icons and archetypes to the masses. Names like Mulder, Scully, Kirk, Spock, and Buffy have become legend. This blog is a compilation of the reviews written about the tales of our modern day heroes.

Location: NJ

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Prison Break 2.13: "The Killing Box"

Written by Zack Estrin
Directed by Bobby Roth

As the second season hits a relatively short hiatus, the writers manage to bring a number of plot threads to interesting cliffhangers. Not all of the story elements get the time they deserve, but that comes with the territory. The episode is treated more like a typical episode than a “fall finale”, but that actually works better from a structural point of view. The real fireworks should come in the next few episodes after the hiatus.

The big twist in this episode might have been predicted by some fans, but it may not be as simple as it seems. Kellerman appears to be turning on his former allies, but what if his goals are more complex? It’s hard to speculate with a series like “Prison Break”, but wouldn’t it work to Kellerman’s favor if he appeared to be helping Michael and Lincoln?

Kellerman has been strongly motivated to restore his place in the president’s confidence. He was willing to take out Sara to achieve that goal, despite his own complex (and warped) affections for her. On the verge of being retired himself, how could he turn things to his advantage? By helping Michael and Lincoln escape, he can eliminate the problems of William and Mahone (his direct competition) and, if successful, convince Michael and Lincoln that he can help them use the information Sara has to bring down the conspiracy. And wouldn’t it be a coup for Kellerman to get everyone in one place?

Leaving speculation aside for the moment, it’s doubtful that Mahone is actually dead. It would be a mistake to build up the character as such a threat, complete with a complicated back story, just to kill him so abruptly. Unless the writers have been taking lessons from the poorly organized staff on “24”, there’s no reason to toss a shocking death into the story at this point. Until his death is confirmed, I have every reason to think that he will remain a strong presence in the future.

T-Bag continues to succeed in his plot for revenge, and the writers give him some surprising depth in the process. It’s no surprise that he ends up killing more people along the way, but his regrets seem sincere. Is it possible that his intentions are not what they seem? T-Bag has become the kind of character the audience loves to hate, so where could the writers take him that would qualify as a surprise? I can’t help but wonder if Theodore will attempt a reformation of sorts, only to have it end badly, echoing his previous experience.

Bellick’s plot thread still seems a bit pointless, beyond the obvious karmic qualities. At the same time, I can’t help but believe that it will eventually tie into the big picture, justifying the time spent on the story. Certainly it gives the writers an opportunity to reveal information about the new warden, who promises to be important in future episodes. Similarly, Sucre’s escape will likely factor into the rest of the season arc, though there’s not much to speak of in this episode. With so many balls still in the air from previous episodes, the writers should have their hands full when the series resumes in late January.

(As a sidenote: I also have a new podcast associated with my various reviews called “Velocity TV”. Current episodes cover the “Prison Break”, so it might be something of interest. Go to if you want to listen!)

Writing: 2/2
Acting: 2/2
Direction: 2/2
Style: 2/4

Final Rating: 8/10


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